Dr Paliathanasis studied Physics in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA). He received his BSc in 2008 and in 2010 he completed an MSc in Physics with emphasis on Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mechanics. In 2015 he received his PhD in Physics at UoA with his thesis titled: Symmetries of Differential Equations with Applications in Relativistic Physics.
He has been affiliated with INFN Sez. Napoli, and was awarded the FONDECYT postdoctoral program 2015 which which he completed at the Universidad Austral de Chile.
Since 2017 he is affiliated with Institute of System Science, DUT.
His research interests lie in the area of gravitational physics, cosmology and in the methods of solving nonlinear differential equations such as Lie’s theory and singularity analysis.
He has many international collaborations and has performed various international research visits. He has more than 140 articles published in peer-reviewed international journals.
Selected Publications:
A. Paliathanasis, J.D. Barrow and P.G.L. Leach, Cosmological solutions of f (T) gravity, Physical Review D 94, 023525 (2016)
A. Paliathanasis, f (R)-gravity from Killing tensors, Classical Quantum Gravity 33, 075012 (2016)
A. Paliathanasis, Similar inner solutions for the Pulsar equation, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 43, 716 (2020)
J.D. Barrow and A. Paliathanasis, Szekeres universes with homogeneous scalar fields, The European Physical Journal C 78, 767 (2018)
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=ha0bqSoAAAAJ&hl=en.